Monday, November 17, 2008

Because Drunk Happens

Most people have had unfortunate occasions where overwhelming inebriation leads to suddenly drunk calling and or texting and sometimes emailing. (Trying to make this sound scientific, or at least classy.)

So I guess it is only natural that Google mail would try to create a system that curbs the chance for a drunk's right to email.

I myself am a big fan of Shirley Temples. So if you ever get an email where I confess my undying love or tell you to go to hell-I mean it.

For all you other folks, your salvation is here:,8599,1849897,00.html

1 comment:

Brynn said...

My problem with the Gmail drunk filter thing is that realistically I probably couldn't do the math sober either, so I'd never be able to email anyone...Sad for me. :(