Sunday, September 14, 2008

Everyone is Getting Married...

So with the whole explosion of engagements, weddings, and births that seem to make up the social landscape of my life, I sometimes wonder if I am where I should be.

Lord, I sound like a hormonal baby making machine-that is not what I mean. But as friends go to birthing classes and carry around babies and buy houses and show off new rings, I am able to show none of that but much of the following:

-An extensive tea collection and old Krups espresso machine
-A credit card bill I hope to pay off before my interest rate raises in November
-A kinda profile on Match which has not been completed nor is it posted because I like my men sans Internet
-Another overdraft notice from WaMu
-A new home with 3 roommates as I get yet another degree in a profession that pays (note the sarcasm)
-Debt, lots of debt for that before mentioned other degree
-An irrational fear that my room in the attic is haunted
-Plotting various methods of attack if this fear materializes and a ghost boogies his way past my bed at night

There's probably more but the heat and humidity are quickly taking away any life force that is left in me...


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