2. Watch way too much Youtube. Including an unhealthy amount of Rick Astley.
3. Google Rick Astley to learn how old he is and if he is married.

4. Catch up with Mom on the phone and discuss thrilling things like snow tires and student loans.
5. Superpoke too many people on facebook.
6. Explore the basement with the roommate. Upon discovering a creepy cellar (too afraid to go in there) and bathroom (which looks like the last time it was used, Eisenhower was in office) we run out immediately and try not to think about it.
7. Drink a pot of tea and crave cookies so much you walk around the house muttering "Cookies. Cookies."
8. Watch "My So-Called Life" online.
9. Yes, you read that right. It is online.
10. http://abc.go.com/player/?channel=69769
11. You are welcome.
12. Become depressed that your new office corkboard is naked.

13. Try to hit the high E during an impromptu rendition of "Loving You"
14. Decide to move the trash cans while it is pouring rain and the neighbors watch cause you want to feel "youthful."
15. Miss SF while listening to Aretha's album "Live at the Fillmore"
16. While eating ice cream seriously reconsider the decision to be a twenty-something with pigtails.

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