Friday, September 12, 2008

You Can Take the Girl Out of Calfornia...

But you can't take the earthquakes out of the girl.

I don't mean in a metaphorical Tori Amos sort of way. I have a funny habit of plotting out earthquake escape plans in every building I go to. What door would be safe, what windows are future shard traps, etc.

A stupid waste of time obviously since NY doesn't have earthquakes and thank God because the buildings out here would sway themselves into rock dust. Can't happen, I know.

But I am hardwired to be rumble ready. Maybe it was those articles in the Chronicle saying that there is a 99% chance that California will have a MAJOR earthquake in the next couple of years.

Clearly I lack the specifics but I mean, go 1%. You can do it!

No, he can't. There will be a shakin' and a rollin' going on and regardless of the coast, part of me is still very much in California.

It's funny to be in a place now where the majority of people don't know what the '94 and '89 are. (Those are the Northridge and Loma Prieta quakes.)

Anyway, so now when I think "QUAKE!" I replace that word with "SNOW!"

Trying to switch gears. So instead of, "That building would crumble, those stairs won't be safe, the best place for closed toe shoes would be..." I think, "If ice were on this street, if snow was on this hill, if I have to walk this far from the parking lot in slush, if I have to park my car and it is buried here, if my feet are this cold now in December they will be...."

I know, a fine topic to be writing on a Friday night. When instead I should be going out and getting lucky or something like that but I am the most morbid person some of you know.

A really sad truth. Cause clearly some of you need to get out more.


Lil said...

mmm actually i was recently informed that there was a small earthquake this summer up at 125th street in harlem. see! your planning is not a waste of time!

Angela said...

And wasn't there an earthquake in Brooklyn.
Well hell.