He then started talking about the quality of snow, an east coast vs. west coast comparison if you will. He said east coast was too icy to ski on.
I had no idea what he meant.
Then Sunday came.
Now I have shoveled snow, scraped it from my windshield, basically snow and I are still in the honeymoon phase. But then I come out on Sunday and that snow had turned to ice.
My car first off looked like it was an ice cube. It took 20 minutes to scrap the dude. There were icicles hanging off of EVERYTHING. License plate, side mirrors, etc. The tires where even frozen to the street and when tried to drive away it sounded like glass being shattered.
I did my duty as a considerate neighbor and shoveled the walkway when I got home but the next morning it was basically a skating rink. I have still not fallen but I have been sliding. Who needs a sled when you have an iced stoop.
There is still snow on the ground but there is a layer of ice over everything. So when you walk you don't sink, you may small footprints and every step sounds like you are stepping over glass bottles.
So all day today I keep hearing Annie Lennox's song "Walking on Broken Glass" cause that is what it is like around here. I think she has been to New York in the winter.
And it is 80 something right now in LA. Truth be told, I like my glass.

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