Monday, January 12, 2009


Happy New Year to the three of you who are probably still reading my blog. More power to ya...

I survived another California holiday although this year was the most intense ever. It was almost three weeks of constant food and company. Back in New York now, haven't eaten for two days and I am still full. I think that is probably some sort of Chinese torture, the constant consumption of food which is forced upon you by loved ones.

So some people I know have new years resolutions to lose weight, take responsibility, reconnect with family, blah blah blah.

Mine is to develop my swagger.

What is swagger you may ask? Well, after carefully consulting (the site most successful at getting you to waste time) swagger is:
1. The confidence exuded as a reflection of ones dress, shoe game, attitude, and how one handles a situation.
2. Whatever it is that makes women want you and men wanna be you.
3. An extremely drunk Irish man.
4. The politically correct version of the word 'milkshake'. How a person carries themself.

Swagger for me would be the combination of my milkshake and shoe game which was upgraded by a fierce purchase of leather boots that were 70% off.

And if you want to see swagger in action just watch this. (So yes, basically in 09 I want to become Jay-Z.)

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