One movie that comes to mind, that does extreme grossness with a very high message, is "Requiem for a Dream."
But this is hard to pull off. Most people just write things to be sensational, thinking they have a point, but just come off as unimaginative and crude. So I prefer to do humane stories sprinkled with profanity.
Lately, my writing has changed a great deal. I am currently drafting a play of mine about Cupid. And there is lots of blood and arrows and crying and just lots of blood. And it ends badly. But then, looking at my past work, this is nothing new. All my plays usually end in tragedy that usually signify a better tomorrow.
Case in point...
"Joe"- story about a writer, his characters end up killing themselves with a gun. He in turn goes outside his apartment to actually live his life.
"Red Umbrellas"- Rosa cries. That's it. She breaks down in public. She gets a hug though....
"F-Stop"- I think someone got pushed off a cliff....
"Frozen Grapes"- the people at the subway are really pissed and decide to kill the subway worker.
"Sera"- It's about Pompeii and Vesuvius. They all die.
"Middlecrest"- A cop shoots himself in the foot, a girl is imprisoned and spits in a boy's face, and a woman is buried alive.
"Dream of Bee"- she decides he is an asshole, she leaves him, the forest turns dark and he basically dies
"Click Click"- he can't stop changing the channels, she leaves him, he clicks the remote at his head
"Cult of Cupid" draft #1- She stabs her love with an arrow, Cupid comes and takes it back, he retires from this world thus love is dead.
So...for the first time I have decided to write a love story. WITH a happy ending.
Now, in Angela terms this is not all sunshine, roses, and fucking happy unicorns.
There will still be some horrible things in there, people have to work for it. BUT I am going to end a play with the guy getting the girl.
It's a New Year...why the hell not?

That's what she said.
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