Monday, June 4, 2012

Take me back! (a plea to my blog)

Oh blog of mine...I have neglected you so. I know, I used to barely have things to say (besides the epic cross country escapade captured in the August 2008 archive) but I think...we should try this again.

Sure, I wonder if we are going to be good for each other.   You are simple and I am a complicated girl.  I might end up posting things that make you sneer "Holy hell, how indulgent" but we won't know unless we give this another go.

Look at that face and those nifty MacBook Pro bluebirds. (PS Apple, why are there Cinderella inspired bluebirds in my photo booth? I want lightening or something epic. I want to look like I am either going to take over the world, conquer something or just plan super awesome at how I can manipulate nature. Who in the world needs a circular storm of bluebirds over their head?)

So blog, what do you say? I say we should do this. Let's jump back in.

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