Hour 10
Location: Somewhere in Maryland or Pensylvania or Virginia (it was dark)
My friend Malia, the amazing bride to be, asked me in Chicago how long could we drive before we go crazy. I finally have an answer for her: 15 hours.
It's a horrible thing. The road seems to last forever and around hour 8 you think, "We are almost there" but you aren't. Cause basically you are halfway there and you have already been in the car for a full working day. Then the road becomes this matrix prison, it keeps going but it doesn't seem to go anywhere and then you lose your mind.
Hour 11
Location: Who the Hell Knows (it was still dark)
There are various ways to lose it. You can sleep to avoid it but eventually you will have:
-Unexpected and unjustified road rage
-The biggest lead foot you have ever known
-The giggles, like, extreme giggles
-Hunger that can not be satisfied
-The urge to stare down every driver you see
-Inability to read signs correctly
-Paranoia that the road will never end and you are all going to die
This was the day we showed major signs of road warrior fatigue, starting way back on hour 2, as we were going through Indiana.
Hour 12
Location: Virginia
I think it is important I properly record our insanity on Saturday. So here are some of the things that kept us going-while making not sense and clearly showing our failing mental health.
Dolce's and Trinhity's Favorite Billboards of Indiana
7. We Dairy You to Visit Us
6. Amish Furniture Sold Here
5. Cheese Tasting
4. Choose Life for Your Child
3. Fireworks- Call 1-800-BANG
2. Hell is Real (On the other side of the billboard) Jesus is Real
1. KFC Buffet
Most Difficult Signs to Pronounce
- Catawba
Angela tries from hours 7-15 to say it correctly, and still can't say the "taw" right
-Powhite Parkway
Actually, we said this right. The exit right before our hotel. We wished our hotel was on this street. We want to live on this street just so we can say we are from "Powhite Virginia"
Hour 13-Hip Hop Lives in DC
Location: Washington DC
Best Interrupted Song of the Day
We seriously listen to "Kissed by a Rose" by Seal on the radio to figure out what the hell that song is about.
Angela decides it is about necrophilia
Quyen decides it is just stupid
Misread Signs of the Day
5. No Stopping and Stripping (should read "No Stopping and Standing")
4. German Cooch Lane (should read "German Church Lane"
3. Lane Pleasures (should read "Lane Closures")
2. Tom Rapes Homes (should read "Tom Raper Homes")
1. Licking County (that one does read "Licking County)
And there you go. Beware of those long car rides. They will make you stupid.
Hour 14- ACDC!!!
Location: Virginia
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