But Look at That Ring....
Location: 1-70, Utah
In every state we go to, the first thing we do is try to find a cop car. What color is it? What is the make? Where do they hide? How can we speed and not get at ticket?
Utah cop cars are nondescript, not that this is an excuse. But just so you know, in case you go through that state, they are white or gray towncars with no large markings on the side.
So, I am cruising down I-70, Quyen is reading aloud from the trashy romance novel. The characters have to flee from some bad guys but Matt Stone is so attracted to Cassie Parker that he can't seem to put on clothes. The speed limit is 75, I was going-well that is for me and God to know.
So nakedness, speeding, and then I spot a nondescript SUV parked behind a bush and the moment I see him, I know. Speeding ticket.
He pulls us over, he is nice enough. He asks if I knew how fast I was going, I lie. We talk for a bit, about what it will be like to drive through the Rockies, and that the last guy he pulled over was also from California, on his way to Denver, but was driving to New York for grad school. I yelled, "No shit!" and then instantly begin hoping that he wasn't super religious or anything.
I figured we got the ticket put Quyen, clasping her romance novel, pleads for a warning while dollar figures are dancing in my head. I figure the ticket is for sure, the purchase of my bed for the new place will have to wait. I see visions of me on a hardwood floor amongst boxes, waking up in the middle of the night to cry over my super expensive speeding ticket.
So he asks for my registartion-I hand him my insurance being nervous, suddenly poor, and experiencing my first traffic violation.
He comes back to the car with a glorious yellow paper in his hand. A warning. A warning! He tell us where the cops are stationed over the coming miles and to be careful.
He tells us not to speed again, and we bat our eyelashes and say "Ok."
And Quyen adds, "And you know, Angela was just caught up in our romance novel."
The cop stares at us and says, "You were reading it out loud?"
He looks and sees the cover, "Pleasure to the Max" resting in Quyen's lap.
Quyen says, "Yep. It's really good."
"Oh Jesus," the cop muttered.
And he walked away.
Thank God for clean driving records and the Romance Defense.
You should have flashed a little skin!
You totally should have read him a chapter and "made his day." So, just to let you know, I'm a little late reading this. Knowing both of you well, I should have realized it was going to be the blog to win a Bloggie (there's gotta be something like that) with the spontaneous lists, hilarious pics (I paid for my gun show ticket already, by the way), and incredible posts by both parties. However, too sad to actually read until now, I didn't want it to be real.
*I'm sure there will be more comments to come.
Who says we didn't show skin?
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