Late Night Hospital
Location: Gettysburg, PA
The thing about Gettysburg is that it is kind of in the middle nowhere. It is five miles off the highway in the fields of Pennsylvania. You know you’re here when you start to see turn of the century monuments in the fields.
The town feels creepy. Right when you get in your hairs raise on end. Now, I am one who believes in things that cause the hebbie jebbies so I might be biased but I dare you to come here. Quyen and I got lost coming home and discovered our hotel is right across the street from a Gettysberg graveyard. I challenge you to be in the middle of nowhere at 10pm and see a Confedarate soldier tombstone staring at you as you make a u-turn. Tell me it doesn’t freak you out.
So, to stir up the pot even more, we went on a candlelight ghost tour. It started at Lee’s headquarters, above the first day’s battlefield, and went all along the hill he walked to survey the fields. The street had houses and schools that were make shift hospitals starting the first day of the battle. Our guide told us ghost stories but also horrific accounts of what the people of Gettysburg had to deal with when they found themselves confronted with 70,000 dead soldiers.
Without getting all history on you-I will just say you have to come here. Test out your nerves and walk in the dark under a full moon and hear ghost stories in a place that is eerie to begin with.
But if you come here for a ghost tour, go on the Sleepy Hollow tours. There are lots of tours here and they are kinda ridiculous. (Not like ours was freakin’ brilliant.) But there are companies who make you wear glow in the dark bracelets that “glow more when ghosts are around.” And our tour guide says the ghost business is big out there; that people book a year in advance to stay in a hotel that is known as haunted just to see a ghost.
Seems like a waste to me but the town is cute and we get to check out the battlefields tomorrow. An unusual way to end the trip but who said I was ever normal?
Oh, and some ghost hunters believe that white dots or “orbs” caught on film are signs of supernatural activity. Got a couple on our ghost walk so for all intensive purposes, here are some ghosts:
Couple Orbs
Location: Gettysburg, PA
More Orbs!
Location: Gettysburg, PA
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