Seven years, and unfortunately zero tattoos, later she decided her expanding cranium needed more so she laughed at the gods of recession and the skeptics of stage lights and applied for the sacred MFA.
Destined for something else-her soy-milk loving self called upon a fellow road warrior to pursue the destination of the sacred MFA in a 12 day road trip across the country of varying states and sizes.
Reminiscent of the 12 days of Christmas but better-for they plan to learn how to line dance in Nebraska and do ghost walks in Gettysburg-now the journey begins.
Our team of moving specialists:
Name: Isabella
Code Name: Balsamic
Sex: Honda Civic
Age: 5
Vocation: Speed Beauty
Miles: 99,000
About Isabella:
A survivor of the mean streets of South of Market and Alameda, she knows she is a four door but challenges you to call her a family car. She has moved the butts of many, from around the Bay to Andretti worthy trips to Los Angeles.
She is proud of her still perfect sound system and says dents and scratches and the paint damage from those kids who egged her don't mean no thing.
She is fierce, her hoses are perfect, her oil is changed, and she is ready to outrun any punk or creepy big-rigger.
Name: Nu Quynh Quyen T. Trinh
Code Name: Trinhity
Age: 27
Height: 5' 3"
Sex: Female
Vocation: Kick ass nomad
About Trinhity:
Her childhood was tragic. Her teens, embarrassing. Adulthood? Huh-lare-e-us.
The daughter of a schizophrenic wannabe Vietnamese opera singer, Trinhity, born Nu Quynh Quyen (don't try to pronounce it) T. Trinh is not your ordinary nomad. Yes, she has three first names. Yes, that is her actual full legal name. No, she is not a schizo like her mother. Even before she was born, her mother knew Trinhity was destined for greatness, hence the ridiculous given name. In Vietnamese folklore, the surname Trinh denotes royalty. About a gazillion years ago when Viet Nam was ruled by a Chinese Dynasty that wanted to distinguish itself from the common flock, an Emperor decreed that anyone who was not a part of the royal family, but whose surname was Trinh, must change their surname to Nguyen, Lee, etc. Supposedly this is why people may commonly see the surnames Nguyen, Lee, etc., who are of Vietnamese decent.
Playing into this particular Vietnamese folklore, Trinhity's mother decided to give her daughter no ordinary name. Indeed, the three first names actually spells out a title. Part one: "Nu" denotes 'the daughter of.' Part two: "Quynh" means ruby (i.e. denotes royalty). Part three: "Quyen" does not mean anything in particular and is just a name much like Kelly is just a name. Literally translated, it means the "royal daughter Quyen Trinh". But "What's in a name? That which we call a rose / By any other name would smell as sweet".
Just who is this Trinhity? Wouldn't you like to know.
Name: Angela Nicole Santillo
Code Name: Dolce
Age: 25
Height: 5' 5"
Sex: Female
Vocation: Leadfoot wordsmith
About Dolce:
The way Dolce has gotten stuck in the hearts of many-some say-lies in her secret tomato sauce. The recipe has been perfected and it's power has brought men to their knees. The debate has continued on and on-is it the red wine she adds? the red pepper? or is it that gypsy blood that stirs the real pot?
If you wanted to, Dolce could tell you all about your future but she knows not her own. Oh for the love of God, the irony! She has made 18 year old jocks cry just by saying their love had red hair and yet-she is still single.
Ah-a theme of red is appearing here.
But I digress-this started with trying to explain what gets people stuck on Dolce. I could tell you-but it might bring the bad luck that could cause a speeding ticket or two-so all you need to know that Dolce is nothing but sweet. And like anything sweet-she sticks to you and you can't help but love her like a fat kid loves cake.
That and she laughs like a witch and looks forward to a lucrative career in haunted house voice-over work.
And that is the word.
1 comment:
So, I'm pretty much jealous, want a code name, and want to be road-tripping it with you. Can't wait for more updates :) xoxo
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