Friday, October 10, 2008


On the news today they said that a recent survey shows that 8 in 10 people are stressed about the economy. I know-mind blowing. Like we needed a survey to tell us that.

Well, Stress and I had a close relationship for a long time. We would go to work together, we would sleep together, I was in love with the bastard. He made me so productive, he gave me purpose.

Then we started to fight a bit. He was getting on my nerves-and by "on" I mean completely destroying them. I knew I had to end it. It was hard. It was the longest relationship I ever had. I think we officially met in 9th grade. It's hard to say. But it had gone on too long but it was time I took a stand. After all, he gave me heart problems and vertigo-that son of a bitch.

And New York is full of Stress. I just can't escape him. But we won't get back together. Even if he is all over the bodies of the overly enthusiastic undergrads, at the asshole at the traffic light angry you are turning left-you get the point.

And Stress, he likes to get around. If someone has a bit of Stress on them-he can get to you too.

But I am scared of old patterns. Cause Stress is growing. He is in the air, infecting the continent, and while the studies aren't out I would be bold to say he is seeing lots of other people in lots of other countries. He's a true player.

So-solutions? What can I do to not get involved again?

Tips via the web....

1. Sleep
2. Eat healthy
3. Smile
4. Set your boundaries
5. Get Zen (meditate, yoga)

What I do?

1. Treadmill combined with lots of Ne Yo
2. Dark chocolate
3. Work on my play (Well-all the characters are super stressed in that and there is no happy ending. But I am not stressed writing it.)
4. Look at the bright side (Ex: "The economy will be shit when I graduate and I probably won't get a job but I have my health. I run a nine minute mile!")
5. Walk around with ibuprofen
6. Drink so much green tea I am practically Asian

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