Friday, September 12, 2008

Jordan 4ever

So a friend of mine is going to a very special concert soon. Or in the next couple of months.

Well, regardless, now she will be of drinking age so when they start singing, "Please Don't Go Girl" she will be able to handle it and when "Step by Step" begins to play, she will know that during step one she can have lots of fun but during step five the time will arrive.



Brynn said...

I always loved Jonathan, but I think now he's gay?

Step Two: It's just me and youuuuuuuu.

Angela said...

Jonathan! He was like a lump on a log.
Not sure about his gayness.

Step Four: I can give you moooree

Anonymous said...


Step five: don't you know that the time has ariiiiiiiiiiiived!

ps what happened to steps 1 and 3? why do they get no love?

Brynn said...

Oh, wow. I really dropped the ball. I must amend my last post:

Step Two: There's so much we can dooooooooo